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Whether you're 30, 40 or older, you'll probably have noticed the first fine lines or wrinkles. This is completely normal, because all skins age and form wrinkles sooner or later. But with a regular anti-aging routine, you can plump up your skin and reduce wrinkles. Here's how to reduce and prevent wrinkles with the right anti-aging skincare products.

With our tips for fighting wrinkles, you'll know what to look for to keep your skin youthful.

13 Sep 2021


Dry skin in winter


Wrinkles occur when the skin's own collagen and elastin production decreases and cell regeneration slows down. This makes the skin thinner, so it can't trap moisture as well. The skin becomes drier, which in turn leads to a loss of elasticity and promotes the development of wrinkles. However, the natural aging process of skin also depends on other factors: certain lifestyle habits, an unbalanced diet, and UV exposure also promote the development of wrinkles. But don't worry; with the right tips for reducing wrinkles, you can counteract skin aging in a targeted way.


While sunlight helps regulate sleep patterns, replenish valuable vitamin D levels and lift your mood, it's a challenge for your skin. Once UV rays penetrate skin cells, they can affect cell growth and skin appearance. There are differences between UVA and UVB rays. UVB rays are higher in energy and have shorter wavelengths. If they hit the skin unfiltered, they can trigger sunburn. UVA rays, on the other hand, have longer wavelengths and affect the skin aging process, which is accelerated when the skin is intensively exposed to the sun for a long period of time. If UVA and UVB radiation are exposed to unprotected skin over a longer period of time, they can cause damage. While short-wave UVB radiation leads to sunburn and can trigger the development of skin cancer, the longer-wave UVA radiation accelerates the aging of the skin and can cause sun allergies.

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Over time, skin loses its natural elasticity due to sun exposure. Wrinkles and pigment spots now appear easily. Sunscreen or a day cream with SPF are helpful tools to prevent wrinkles and should be part of your anti-aging routine. With age, the skin also loses the ability to regenerate itself. This is exactly when the first signs of aging appear. To prevent this from happening in the first place, you should consistently avoid some factors. You can do a lot yourself to reduce wrinkles and look youthful for a long time.


The beauty market is full of numerous anti-aging skincare products, skin-rejuvenating serums, firming face masks, and plumping anti-wrinkle creams. Keeping track of things is not always easy. That's why you'll get some valuable tips for tackling wrinkles here:

  1. Tip: Moisturizing Anti-Wrinkle Serum Use a hydrating and firming serum before your anti-wrinkle cream to deeply nourish and moisturize your skin. This allows you to promote cell regeneration and stimulate the formation of collagen and elastin. The advantage of a serum is that it is highly concentrated and can be absorbed particularly well into the skin. In this way, you can counteract wrinkles exactly where they form. The LIFE PLANKTON™ ELIXIR deeply regenerates the skin and promotes a rejuvenated glow. The skin is intensely hydrated and nourished.

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  2. Tip: A Special Eye Care Product The skin around the eye area is particularly thin and sensitive, which is why lines caused by dryness and crow's feet form quickly here. There are special skincare products that aim to smooth out the eye area, like the BLUE THERAPY EYE CREAM by Biotherm, which intensely cares for the skin and promotes its natural regeneration.
  3. Tip: Anti-Wrinkle Creams with Carefully-Selected Ingredients When choosing a skincare product for your face, look for powerful anti-aging ingredients that support cell regeneration and promote skin firmness, such as the Blue Therapy Uplift Day Cream. Such ingredients include hyaluronic acid, certain algae extracts, retinol, vitamin C or vitamin E.
  4. Tip: Pamper Yourself and Your Skin Treat yourself once a week to a peeling treatment to remove dead skin flakes from the skin's surface. This allows you to achieve an even complexion and promote youthful, radiant skin. Furthermore, face masks are also ideal for intense treatments between peeling products.
  5. Tip: Use a sunscreen You probably already know that using sunscreen also helps fight wrinkles. UV rays are the number one cause of premature skin aging, pigmentation, and wrinkles. Therefore, apply a cream with a sun protection factor every day, even on cloudy days. This way you protect the skin even better from signs of aging. Use, for example, the Blue Therapy Multi Defender face cream with SPF 25 or the Anti-Aging Sun Cream with SPF 30 for effective broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB radiation.

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  6. Tip: Avoid Midday Sun Even if you are a passionate sun worshiper, you should avoid the intense sunlight during midday, especially in summer. If you stay in the shade between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., you won't get more than 70% of the rays in the first place - your skin will be much less stressed as a result.
  7. Tip: Start Using Anti-Aging Skincare Products Early If you want to reduce wrinkles, anti-aging skincare products are a must. You should start using the correct skincare products early to counteract the first signs of aging and slow down the aging process as much as possible. Protect your facial skin from a young age with a rich moisturizer formulated with SPF to counteract photo-aging. From the age of about 25 years, you should adapt your skincare routine specifically to you, because from the mid-20s, collagen production is already slowly decreasing. An optimal product to delay skin aging processes and strengthen the skin barrier against external influences is the Biotherm Cera Repair Barrier Cream for the face. The moisturizer protects and regenerates the skin barrier, contributing to a youthful complexion.
  8. Tip: Regular Massages Maintain the Skin's Elasticity Gentle massages are a wonderful way to tighten the skin. This allows the tissue to regenerate better and the skin as a whole looks plumper and rosier. It is best to combine the massage with a regenerating anti-aging product to enhance the positive effect

    Nahaufnahme Mann schaut zur Kamera

  9. Tip: Good Nutrition Fights Wrinkles In addition to the right anti-wrinkle product, you can also counteract wrinkles and fine lines with your diet. Incorporate plenty of vegetables, fish, nuts and fruit into your diet to provide your skin with valuable antioxidants and vitamins. To maintain a youthful complexion for a long time, you should only consume alcohol and nicotine in small quantities. Your body and your skin will thank you!
  10. Tip: Use Body Lotions Sun-related signs of aging affect not only the face, but the entire body! Feel like your body could use a little more care and some firming benefits? Then use the Life Plankton™ Body Lotion , for example. It is enriched with 5% Life Plankton™ and lastingly improves skin quality by firming and hydrating it. The body lotion contains a mixture of natural rapeseed, almond and olive oil. It moisturizes the skin, making it more supple. To protect the skin on your body from the sun's harmful rays, you should use a sunscreen, such as Biotherm Waterlover Sun Milk. Especially in summer, the skin is often exposed to the sun while unprotected because of light and short clothing - so be sure to protect your skin from UVA and UVB radiation and counteract light-induced skin aging.

Now you know what tips can help prevent wrinkles and what should be part of a good anti-aging routine. You can find more exciting tips on anti-aging and firm skin here in the Closer to Your Skin Magazine!


Which Anti-Aging Cream Really Helps Against Wrinkles? Why is facial cleansing so important? What actually helps with dry skin and why should a serum be part of every care routine? We give you an overview of the world of care for your skin. Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the right skin care and learn more about care products such as moisturizing cream, anti-wrinkle care, facial serum and Co. We will also give you practical beauty tips on when you should start using anti-aging products and which care products are the right ones for which age. Find out more about your skin type, your skin needs and how your skin is changing. With our care tips you can make your skin shine!

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