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The skin regenerates throughout our lives and in a completely natural way. But age, stress and environmental factors can slow down skin regeneration. Here you will learn how to support cell renewal and strengthen your skin protection barrier at the same time!

25 Mar 2022


 Woman with cream on her cheek

What is meant by skin regeneration?

Our skin is a surface organ that isolates our body from the outside world. It performs numerous functions, which include protection against UV light, harmful germs, and dehydration. It consists of several layers:

  • Epidermis
  • Dermis (dermis or corium)
  • Subcutis

Blood vessels, nerve endings, hair, nails, and both receptors for touch and thermal stimuli are embedded in these layers.1

Skin cells are capable of dividing and thus renewing themselves over the course of a lifetime. On average, the entire skin regeneration process takes an average of 28 days. The new basal cells are formed in the lowest layer of the epidermis and gradually migrate to the upper layers. On the surface, they slowly begin to dry out and become keratinized. Thus, a protective stratum corneum is formed, from which the uppermost cells are shed daily. The skin renewal process slows down as you age. Furthermore, the skin's moisture supply also decreases with advancing age.2

BIOTHERM Life Plankton Elixir

How can the natural regeneration of skin be supported?

Your skin, as well as your hair and nails, needs various substances for constant regeneration, which you take in through food. These include:

  • provitamin A (beta-carotene)
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
  • vitamin C
  • trace elements called silicon, selenium, zinc and biotin
  • omega-3 fatty acids
  • water

A healthy lifestyle with sufficient sleep, exercise in the fresh air and the avoidance of pollutants also promotes the natural regeneration of your body and thus your skin.3 4

Skin regeneration can be stimulated not only by diet and lifestyle. Active ingredients applied to the outside of your body, such as Life Plankton, can also contribute. These active ingredients are used together in skincare products, such as face creams or face masks to ensure optimal absorption and maximum effects.

Which active ingredients are suitable for promoting skin regeneration?

An important factor for the optimal care of your skin's functions is the proper supply of moisture. In part, this can be achieved by drinking enough water. You can also use a high quality moisturizer which at the same time protects your skin and promotes its natural ability to store this moisture. These active ingredients also help stimulate skin regeneration:

  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Retinol
  • Vitamin C
  • Bioceramide
  • Extracts from seaweed and algae
  • Life Plankton - Complex
  • Pro-Xylane

In the following paragraphs, you will learn how each individual ingredient works and how they promote skin regeneration.

Moisture boosting hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a substance produced naturally in the body that carries out important tasks in connective tissue, skin, and joints. It can retain moisture and improve the skin's elasticity and pressure resistance. When applied externally, it was discovered that hyaluron can promote wound healing and thus also the regeneration of healthy skin, as well as improve moisture supply and retention. What's more, hyaluronic acid is believed to have protective capabilities against the harmful effects of UV light, making this a popular anti-aging ingredient.5

The anti-aging vitamin: retinol

Retinol, or vitamin A, is a fat-soluble vitamin that the body cannot produce itself. It must be absorbed through food or can be obtained through external application to the skin, such as a retinol cream. It is needed for the skin regeneration and various metabolic processes. As an antioxidant, it prevents cell damage from free radicals, can help repair DNA and normalize skin functions. More specifically, it promotes collagen synthesis and the regeneration of the outer layers of the skin.6

The Blue Pro-Retinol Multi-Correct Cream from Biotherm moisturizes your skin and provides it with important nutrients. This makes your skin look younger and refines the complexion. At the same time, this retinol cream can soften wrinkles and fine lines while stimulating cell renewal and thus skin regeneration.

Antioxidant vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and an important antioxidant that protects the skin from free radical damage. When applied externally, it can improve skin texture and stimulate the formation of collagen. The age-related degradation of collagen and elastin can be reduced by the application of vitamin C. Furthermore, the vitamin has a brightening effect on pigment spots and hyperpigmentation.7

The Aqua Glow Super Concentrate with Vitamin C by Biotherm is a regenerating face cream that can create an even, silky complexion. It refreshes your skin, evens out imperfections and gives you a youthful glow.

BIOTHERM Cera Repair Barrier Creme

Ceramides: your protective shield

Ceramides' role is to protect your skin and the inner structure of your cell membranes throughout your body. They belong to the group of lipids (fats), which strengthen the skin barrier and contribute to the elasticity of the skin. Strengthening the skin's protective barrier reduces potential moisture loss, which reduces wrinkles and helps you achieve an overall more youthful and fresh appearance with a smooth complexion.8

To boost your skin's regeneration process, use Biotherm's Cera Repair Barrier Cream, which, in combination with the patented Life Plankton™ complex, can provide visible and tangible results from the very first application.

Extracts from seaweed and algae

Kelp and algae originate from the sea, where they absorb a wide variety of nutrients and minerals from the surrounding water. They store these nutrients and can release them again when applied externally to your skin. These substances include, for example, iodine, zinc, selenium, niacinamide, and vitamins A, C and E. All these active substances have been proven to have a positive effect on the skin's ability to regenerate. They can promote wound healing, improve hydration, strengthen cell membranes, or protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV light.9 10

Biotherm's high-quality and clinically proven products therefore contain active ingredients such as blue-green algae extract, or extracts from winged kelp or cartilage kelp.

Intensively regenerating Life Plankton

Biotherms Life Plankton is a natural active ingredient. It consists of a microorganism originally found in thermal springs in the French Pyrenees and harnessed for use in skin-regenerating cosmetics. Scientific research has proven that this active complex stimulates your skin's cell renewal and thus helps to improve its structure. Thermal plankton also helps soothe sensitive skin and is excellent for all skin types.

With the Life Plankton Elixir by Biotherm, signs of aging can be reduced and the natural regeneration processes can be stimulated. The regenerating serum with its innovative formula protects, nourishes, and supports skin renewal - an improvement in the skin's appearance can be seen and felt after just eight days of use.

Anti-Aging Power: Pro-Xylane

Pro-Xylane is a cosmetic ingredient consisting of xylose. Xylose is a type of sugar which is synthesized from beech wood and thus is of natural origin. The active ingredient is also used by Biotherm in its men's skincare products. Cosmetics with the active ingredient Pro-Xylane, such as the Force Supreme Gel from Biotherm Homme promote important synthesis processes in the skin and strengthen the bond between the epidermis and dermis cells. This can improve your skin's elasticity. The skin's ability to retain water is also increased by this active ingredient.11

BIOTHERM Pipette Elixir

FAQs about skin regeneration

Here you will find a short overview of interesting questions concerning the topic of skin regeneration.

BIOTHERM Regenerated youthful skin

Regenerated and youthful skin can be achieved with the right care

You can preserve your youthful, refreshed radiance and an even complexion for a long time by using Biotherm's rich skincare products. Whether it be with the proven and effective Life Plankton Elixir or with the Blue Pro-Retinol Multi-Correct Cream, you can discover the many possibilities and enjoy the refreshing and pleasant effects of these high-quality anti-aging products.

1 Vgl. Nicolay, Nils/Frank Antwerpes/Anton-Martin Christof/ Sascha Alexander Bröse: Haut, in: DocCheck Flexikon, o. D., (abgerufen am 03.03.2022).
2 Vgl. Fritsch, Peter. "Aufbau und Funktionen der Haut." Dermatologie Venerologie. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004. 3-42.
3 Vgl. Gesunde und schöne Haut, Haare und Nägel: Diese Nährstoffe sind wichtig - Lebensmittelverband Deutschland: in: Lebensmittelverband Deutschland, o. D., (retrieved on 04.03.2022).
4 Vgl. Springer Medizin. "Strahlende Haut durch Nahrungsergänzungsmittel." ästhetische dermatologie & kosmetologie 11.1 (2019): 47-47.
5 Vgl. Dr. Trommer, Hagen, Prof. Dr. Dr. Reinhardt, H.H. Neubert: Hyaluronsäure – ein vielseitig einsetzbares Biomolekül, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Pharmazie, Pharmazeutische Wissenschaft, Storckverlag, (retrieved on 06.03.2022)
6 Vgl. Kerscher, Martina, and Stefanie Williams. "Hautalterung und Vitamine." Fortschritte der praktischen Dermatologie und Venerologie. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004. 3-42.
7 Vgl. Bayerl, C. "Topisches Anti-Aging–Evidenz und Wirkprinzip." Aktuelle Dermatologie 44.06 (2018): 277-291.
8 Vgl. Reynolds CP, Maurer BJ, Kolesnick RN (2004) Ceramide synthesis and metabolism as a target for cancer therapy. Cancer Lett 206:169–180.
9 Vgl. Bährle-Rapp, Marina. "Algen." Springer Lexikon Kosmetik und Körperpflege. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004. 3-42.
10 Vgl. SCHMID, OTTO J. "Die Inhaltsstoffe der Meeresalgen." (1962): 67-74.
11 Vgl. Bouloc, Anne, et al. "A compensating skin care complex containing pro-xylane in menopausal women: results from a multicentre, evaluator-blinded, randomized study." Acta dermato-venereologica 97.4 (2017): 541-542.


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