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How to smooth and remove neck wrinkles

Your neck is a part of your body that is often forgotten about. Although it’s always in plain sight, exposed to UV rays and pollution, it doesn’t usually receive the same care and attention that’s normally given to your face. But it’s certainly possible to help the skin in this area, especially if you want to fight the appearance of wrinkles. Here are a few simple tips to combat or minimize the appearance of wrinkles on your neck.

Why do wrinkles appear on the neck?

The appearance of blemishes on the neck is mainly due to four reasons:

  • Like the rest of your skin, the skin on your neck suffers the effects of aging, which can also come on prematurely due to exposure to external factors (UV rays, pollution, wind) and a poor lifestyle (a diet low in fiber and vitamins, stress, smoking and alcohol consumption);
  • We often spend a lot of time with our heads bent over our PCs, smartphones or books, to the detriment of our necks;
  • Laziness often prevents us from taking proper care of our skin and treating our neck to a proper daily skincare routine.

How to minimize the appearance of wrinkles on your neck

It’s not possible to change the structure of your neck and stop time from passing. But by creating the right daily beauty routine, changing your habits and improving your posture, you can greatly reduce the appearance of so-called "Venus necklaces," the horizontal wrinkles that mark the neck.

Skincare for the neck

We tend to devote time to skin treatments every morning and evening. A proper beauty routine should always start with cleansing and continue with the application of first serum and then cream. But let's not just limit ourselves to our face, when we can also treat our neck and upper chest to cleansing and treatments. You can use the same products for your neck as you use for your face, as long as they are moisturizing and nourishing, such as BLUE PRO-RETINOL MULTI-CORRECT CREAM from Biotherm, the anti-aging day treatment with multi-corrective action on wrinkles, fine lines, skin texture and firmness. Its formula contains:

  • Pro-Retinol, a derivative of retinol, which retains the same smoothing properties;
  • Blue Algae extract, known for its regenerative and nourishing qualities.

After the treatment, the skin on your face, neck and upper chest will appear more even, relaxed, soft and moisturized. Wrinkles on the neck will be visibly reduced.

Alternatively, Biotherm experts recommend BLUE THERAPY UPLIFT DAY lifting effect cream, enriched with red algae for firmer, more toned skin.

You should also remember to apply serums and creams using a relaxing massage motion. In addition to facilitating product absorption, this will improve your circulation and counteract muscle relaxation. The best way to massage your neck is with movements from the bottom upwards, first gently to warm the area, then with more intense strokes to benefit the circulation.

Protect your skin from UV rays

Excessive and unprotected exposure to the sun's rays is one of the causes of premature skin aging. During the daytime it’s therefore important to apply a cream with a protective sunscreen to your face, neck and upper chest throughout the year, even on cloudy days. Sunscreens are the first anti-wrinkle products you can introduce into your beauty routine.

Good posture

Spending too many hours with your neck and head bent over a device or book can facilitate the appearance of wrinkles on the neck. Making an effort to keep your head as straight as possible, with your chins at 90 degrees, as if resting on a shelf, will make a difference, preventing your necks from being marked.

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