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Sunspots on the face: Can you get rid of them?

Discover how to get rid of sunspots on your face once and for all.

The good news is that, although age spots on the skin do not go away as easily as tanning, there is a solution. However, it’s very important that you follow a proper anti-blemish routine and use sun protection on a daily basis.

Since age is an important factor to consider in the appearance of blemishes on the face, whether from the sun or not, it’s important to choose a fast-acting product that targets the three most visible signs of aging: wrinkles, loss of firmness and age spots, such as Blue Retinol Night Serum and our Blue Pro-Retinol Multi-Correct Cream.

Our Multidefender SPF 25 or Blue Therapy Night moisturizers also specifically target sunspots and wrinkles, feel free to consult our Live Chat for the perfect routine to treat sunspots on the face.

Why do they appear?

As we get older, skin processes become slower and more inefficient, the appearance of sunspots on the face is nothing more than a sign that the skin has accumulated melanin (hyperpigmentation) and is not able to eliminate it at the right rate. The melanin that is made to protect us from radiation accumulates unevenly, and even lighter sunspots on the face (hypopigmentation) may appear on skin that no longer produces melanin properly, causing an uneven tone.

There are undeniable facts: few things are as pleasant as the feeling of the sun's rays on our face while listening to the sound of the sea breeze in the background. (or not?) However, those long hours of endless relaxation may have left you with more than just a nice tan as a souvenir.

Sunspots on the face and décolleté caused by the passing of time are the result of excessive melanin production, known as hyperpigmentation, on the face, hands, neck and décolleté. Unlike freckles, which appear in people of all ages, these types of spots usually appear after the age of 40 and are associated with skin aging and sun damage.

How can you avoid them?

The main cause of hyperpigmentation is sun exposure, of course using sunscreen all year round will make a difference in the appearance of sunspots on the face.

At BIOTHERM we have a range of sunscreens that are respectful of marine ecosystems waterlovers, and our formulas also contain niacinamide to treat blemishes and other signs of aging.

Waterlover SPF 50. The anti-wrinkle sunscreen with a clinically proven formula that offers very high protection against UVA and UVB rays. It helps prevent signs of premature aging due to UV exposure, such as dark spots or wrinkles.

How do you get rid of them?

Sunspots on the face can be treated in two different ways: either with a dermatologist, through a series of chemical peel or laser procedures; or at home with the help of an effective anti-aging skincare routine.

At BIOTHERM we’ll tell you how to get rid of sunspots on your face.

In the case of sunspots, it’s essential to incorporate an exfoliating scrub into your beauty routine to remove the outermost layers of the skin. And, above all, use products against the three most visible signs of aging caused by the sun: wrinkles, loss of firmness and spots. Because you know that skin has a memory, so it’s better to treat it before age spots appear on the skin.

Use a serum to soften these effects and a daily moisturizer with SPF to protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays such as Blue Therapy Multi-Defender Moisturizer SPF 25. And voila! You’re ready to show off the healthy, youthful skin you deserve.

The Blue Therapy line not only treats sunspots on the face, but also wrinkles and prevents all other signs of aging. At BIOTHERM we have developed Blue Retinol, a key ingredient in the treatment of dark spots on the skin, which is the result of combining Life Plankton and Pure Retinol, making our Blue Retinol Night Serum a unique product with proven clinical efficacy.

If you want to get rid of and/or prevent the appearance of sunspots on your face, don't miss this post and our selection of Biotherm products. We’re waiting for you!

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